Am-er-I-ca: Divided We Fall

Meredith S.
8 min readJan 11, 2021

On Wednesday, January 6, 2021, every person was glued to his or her news outlet of choice watching insurrectionists take over our Capitol Building. These people wanted to demonstrate their undying love for a man who has systematically destroyed our American principles since he was voted into office in 2016. I never quite understood the appeal of Donald Trump. You can read my previous post, Dear Republicans, Where Have You Gone, and get the full effect of my abhorrence of this man. Every time he spoke it sent shivers down my spine. How could a man that repulsed me so much be viewed as a savior by millions of people? Yes, millions of people voted for him. Not just once but twice. Where did we go wrong?

I remember feeling completely flabbergasted when Donald Trump won the election. It’s quite possible that he didn’t think he would win. He fought a vicious, verbally abusive campaign against Hillary Clinton. He towered behind her during each Presidential Debate to assert his dominance. He constantly brought up her questionable emails like a mantra. In fact, everything he said, and says presently, is on repeat in my mind as one of those earworm songs that get stuck in your head all day long. Unfortunately, now I inexplicably have “Can’t Get You Out Of My Head” by Kylie Minogue in mine. (And, now it will be in yours, you’re welcome.) If you think about it, these earworms are borderline brainwashing. You hear the song, and you feel happiness or sadness. It depends on the melody. Now think about the tone of someone’s voice. You can either be entranced by the melodious sound, or it could be like nails scratching on a chalkboard. Personally, the sound of Donald Trump’s voice is the latter for this gal. When he gave a speech on TV, I had to leave the room. There was no way that I could listen to his unsubstantiated rantings. However, think of all the things he said on repeat over the years. From the alleged criminality of Hillary Clinton’s emails to the voter fraud that was constantly blasted in our face for the last year. What about his careful approach in speaking to his white supremacist supporters? He would never call them out for their criminal behavior during any Black Lives Matter protests. He just said there were bad guys on both sides. Bad guys on both sides?? Hmm . . . I guess you can be right, Trump, but wait a second. Then, I splashed cold water on my face to bring myself back to reality. There’s nothing good about White Supremacists. NOTHING. WHAT, IN THE BLOODY HELL, JUST HAPPENED? A Trump earworm? Gross. Get it out. Do you remember the term “fake news” before Donald Trump? Neither do I. Fake news was everywhere, according to him. Before him, no one used the term, and now it’s all the rage. Fox News calls liberal news media outlets, like CNN or MSNBC, fake news. I hear more and more Conservatives use that term in simple conversations with their friends. It’s totally not fake news, like, for sure. This, like, happened.

He used his Twitter account to circumvent all the media outlets to get his thoughts out to his public quickly. He had repetitive tweets about the “fake news media” and don’t forget his claims on voter fraud. Oh . . . did I mention that previously? Yeah, well, think how I felt all these months listening to his whimsical theories about how it was within the Vice President’s power to decide not to certify the election. On what planet? Never once in the history of ever did a Vice President say “Well, sh*t, I don’t want to certify this numbnuts as President. Let’s call it a day.” To the people reading this that are pissed at Vice President Pence for actually doing his job, I have one thing to say to you — Read a history book, and get educated. Every single representative that we voted on has an obligation to follow the Constitution, not the President. If the President is unfit to do his/her job, then we have the right to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him/her from office. You made the conscious decision to believe Trump’s lies. Anything that happens next is your fault.

That’s just it, the lies. The lies that he repeated like brainwashing. He knew what would inspire his followers. He knew how to manipulate. I might compare him to David Koresh, who had people convinced he was their Messiah through years of mind control. He used their religious beliefs to explain why they must be prepared for an Armageddon battle. What about Charles Manson who convinced his “Manson Family” to kill for him? What’s so disturbing is that these women who did kill for Manson still worship him. It’s disgusting. Any reasonable human being would know that violence of any kind is wrong. However, we are dealing with people who have a warped sense of reality. All cult leaders use a twisted form of mind control to communicate with their followers. Koresh knew to use the Branch Davidians’ religious beliefs, while Manson never really said anything about religion, but made his followers feel like he was a Messiah. I could provide more examples, like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, or Keith Raneire from the Nxivm cult, but I think you know where I’m going with this. Trump knew EXACTLY what he was doing. He chose his words carefully because he needed the reaction to make himself look like a hero. Remember, he told his followers he loved them? He had to keep his cult in line. He had to repeatedly tell them if he didn’t win the election that it was obviously stolen from him. He had to make sure he used every possible avenue available to guarantee his win. He even tried to intimidate the Governor of Georgia to find him “11,780 more votes.” How is that not voter fraud?

To the Republican Senators and Representatives who supported Trump for your own political gain, you will go down in infamy with our fearless leader as being as dimwitted and self-serving. Sen. Ted Cruz is one of my favorite Trumptards. Not only did he preach against the crudeness of Trump, but these two had a war of words regarding each other spouses. Yet, he was one of the first to bend over backward to create an argument for voter fraud. Sen. Mitch McConnell did everything within his power to back Trump at every turn. He even pushed through Trump’s pick for Supreme Court Justice at a record time in the name of power and control. Sen. Lindsay Graham would defend Trump on every TV show, but let’s go back in time to before Trump took office, shall we? Graham was not a fan, and in 2016 he made it known. When Graham took to the Senate floor to officially say he was finished riding the Trump train, it wasn’t a moment of redemption, but clarity. He knew what the price was for his allegiance to Trump. Now Trump’s cult has called Graham a traitor. To whom? Trump? Ok. That’s fine. Graham isn’t a traitor to the country. Although, he came close. In fact, all the rioters that showed up at the Capitol are the traitors to our country. Each one of his supporters uses Trump-isms to attack their target. Not one of them has thought of his or her own.

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Let’s further discuss these ReTrumplican Insurrectionists. These people already felt hatred. They had it coursing through their veins for the majority of their lives. You could say that their “hatred” is a form of brainwashing since Nelson Mandela preached that “No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate. . . .” Donald Trump didn’t teach these people how to hate; their parents did or someone else related to them. However, he is culpable in inciting that hatred to be expressed in such a disastrous way. Will he admit that he is to blame? No. I’m not going to hold my breath. When has this man ever held himself accountable for anything? We witnessed a predominately white group of people storm our Capitol Building without any thoughts about the repercussions of their actions. Their own entitlement issues allowed them to believe that nothing would happen to them and they were justified to support America in any way they saw fit.

I’m not going to ask any Trump supporters to explain themselves anymore because I get it now. He is just their soundboard for all the fear and hatred that has been growing in their hearts for numerous years. They hate the black man for taking their jobs. They despise that Mexican for thinking they are better. Trump supporters hate the Asians for creating Coronavirus. They feel threatened by the Black Lives Movement because they think it will erase white people from the planet. Make America Great Again! You might as well yell “White Power.” He validated your pain and confusion. He made you feel important and special. He told you he loved you. Don’t you see that you were manipulated by a Narcissist? Oh, wait. You all are one. Look at what you did. Narcissists don’t respect boundaries, emotional or physical, so, naturally, you beat down the doors of the Capitol Building and made yourself comfortable in Senator Nancy Pelosi’s office. Each one of you felt like you could.

As for the police response to these racist anarchists, it was incredibly disappointing. Countless posts I saw on social media compared the magnitude of police presence at the Black Lives Matter protests this past summer to the lack of police response to this insurgence. They said if the group of rioters had black people the police response might have been quicker. I can’t say they are wrong. I asked the same questions as I watched the news. Why are they climbing through the windows? How are they allowed to get that close to our Capitol? Why is that man dressed like a Viking? Why is that man holding a statue and taking selfies? Where are the rubber bullets and tear gas that I saw utilized to assist President Trump to walk across the street from the White House to hold up his Bible for a photo op? Where is ANY of the National Guard? All these questions are legitimate, and the investigation is ongoing. Changes, hopefully, will be made accordingly.

Do I think that these domestic terrorists are finished? Probably not. They still have to achieve the ultimate goal — make their principles the universal American way. Be the true patriot that Trump wanted. Only you ARE NOT a Patriot. Not by a long shot.

Originally published at on January 11, 2021.



Meredith S.

Writer + Creative soul — Be yourself since everyone else is taken.